Nonaquant is a 16 channel polyphonic 9 octave quantizer
Basic Operation
Send (1 to 16 channels) CV signals to the IN
input and get 1volt/octave
quantized CV signals
back from the QUANT
If the TRIG
input is connected, the quantized note will only change on > 0 volts
The number of channels connected is displayed by the dynamic text below the IN
The All Seeing Eye knob at the top left controls which channel is visualized by the lights and knobs
Click the keys to activate the desired notes, the notes selected apply to all channels
When the BEND
inputs are NOT connected, the knob controls this parameter and applies
it to all channels, when the inputs are connected, each channel takes its value directly from the CV
signal overriding the knob value
will add or subtract semitones to the quantized note, you can use an envelope, for example,
to create a bend effect
will introduce a slew to note changes up to 1 second
inputs are all monophonic and activate on > 0 volts
The global TRANSPOSE
will move all notes up or down, notes can move from one octave to the next
The individual octave TRANSPOSE
will move only the notes in that octave, notes that are moved past
the top or bottom of the octave, will be lost
Memory Banks
Nonaquant has 16 module & 16 plugin memory banks
These banks store the set of active notes
Module memory banks are per instance of Nonaquant, and are saved in the patch
Plugin memory banks are shared between all instances of Nonaquant, and are saved in the
The right-click context menu has options that allow you to save the currently selected notes into a memory bank
There are also options to manually load a memory bank, or clear all the currently selected notes
There are two separate polyphonic inputs that allow you to load a specific memory bank, a trigger on a channel will immediately load the corresponding memory bank
Note Readout
You can enable the note readout via the right-click context menu
When enabled there will be a display below the keys that show the quantized note selected for each
active channel in the format of channelNumber[NoteName OctaveNumber]